American Cinema Cafe opened in Cetinje?

Americans are interested in opening a Cinema Cafe in Cetinje, Montenegro. It’s about building character with a restaurant, a library, which, by a similar concept exists in many cities in Europe and North America. This idea, the Mayor of Cetinje, Aleksandar Bogdanovic presented to the producer and director of the International Student Film Festival in […]
Director of International Student Festival in Hollywood, Robin Saban visited the capital Cetinje

Producer and Director of the International Student Film Festival in Hollywood (ISFFH) Robin Saban spent today visiting the Capital of Cetinje. On this occasion, he met with the mayor of the Royal Capital Cetinje Aleksandar Bogdanovic. During today’s meeting, Mayor Bogdanovic met Mr. Saban, a member of the Board of Directors of the Economic Alliance […]
The plan to open the Cinema Cafe in Cetinje

CETINJE, MONTENEGRO – Producer and Director of the International Student Film Festival in Hollywood, Robin Saban paid a visit to the Capital on Friday. He was in conversation with the Mayor of Cetinje Aleksandar Bogdanovic and has expressed interest in opening Cinema Cafe – restaurant building character, with a library of Cetinje. Objects with similar concepts […]
2012 ISFFH FEST WINNERS: “Hu’s Game” take top awards

10th Annual International Student Film Festival Hollywood November 17 – 18, 2012 Winners – Congratulations! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF THE ISFFH PARTICIPANTS. YOU ARE THE FUTURE OF THE INDUSTRY! ISFFH WINNERS 2012 Grand Jury Award Shaun Seong-young Kim from USC, USA for “Hu’s Game” Written by Shaun Seong-young Kim Best Drama Tyson Breuer from Ryerson University, Canada for “Three Small Words […]