Grand Jury Award
Avie Luthra
from National Film & TV School, UK
for “Lucky” |
Best Drama
David Jibladze
from Chapman University, USA
for “All's Fair ” |
Best Children Drama
William Sten Olsson
from Mary Beth Fielder USC School of Cinema - TV, USA
for “Rosa”
Best Children Love Story
Adam Schlachter
from American Film Institute, USA
for “My Backyard was a Mountain ” |
Best Period Piece Drama
Junya Sakino
from Cal State University Long Beach, USA
for “Orizuru”
Best Horror/Thriller
Bill Balas
from American Film Institute, USA
for “House of the Rising Sun ” |
Best Comedy
Cory DeLair
from LA Film School, USA
for “The Cubicle ” |
Best Romantic Comedy
Sam Day & Travis Hatfield
from Ball State University, USA
for “Perspective”
Best Experimental
Brett L. Meyer
from Cal State University Fullerton, USA
for “Picture Perfect ” |
Best Animation
Jan Koester
from HFF "Konrad Wolf", Germany
for “Our Man in Nirvana ”
Best Music Video
Luke Botteron
from Art Institute of Vancouver, Canada
for “Remember August ” |
Best PSA
Jennava Laska
from Art Center of Design, USA
for “Heart, The American Red Cross ” |
Best Documentary
Sheetal S. Agarwal
from University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
for “Ordinary Lives ”
Best Foreign Language Drama
Toke Constantin Hebbeln
from Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
for “Nimmermeer”
Best High School Drama
Jordan Kelly Burt
from Poway High School, USA
for “The Silent ”
Best High School Docu-Drama
Chloe Anderson
from Credo Academy Home School, USA
for “Sisterhood” |
Best High School Comedy
Fenny Canon, Rosa Gasparian, Shanshan Liang, Leeron Peretz, & Lena Press
from Grant High School, USA
for “Rumors”
Best High School Experimental
Shawn Ahmed & Dmitriy Steinbuchel
from Claremont High School, USA
for “Darks & Whites ” |
Best High School Period Piece
Max Strebel
from San Francisco Art & Film, USA
for “The Homecoming ” |
Best High School Foreign Language Drama
Omer Feller
from Hareali Haivri School, Israel
for “After Twenty Years ” |
Best High School Documentary
Karl Stieg
from Central Bucks High School, USA
for “Decrecsendo ” |
Best Junior High School Drama
Max Sokoloff
from San Francisco Art & Film, USA
for “Intermissions” |
Best Junior High School Documentary
Taylor Leach
from Newcomb Academy, USA
for “A Kids Journey of Grief ” |
Best Junior High School Animation
Denali Wilson
from Vista Middle School, USA
for “Canyons in Clay ”
Best Junior High School PSA
Susannah Lodge-Rigal, Claire Lee
& Saehan Lenzen
Lora Batchelor Middle School, USA
for “C.A.N.D.L.E.S.”